Welcome to our swiya


Presenter: hiwus (Calvin Craigan)

Venue: shíshálh Nation Longhouse

We are not currently accepting registrations for this course because it has either a) been cancelled/rescheduled or b) already started.

Recent events have forced all of us to face the fact that reconciliation with indigenous Canadians is necessary. Education and personal connections are an obvious way to help achieve reconciliation. “Welcome to our swiya” provides our community with an opportunity to learn about our shíshálh Nation neighbours, their history, struggles and aspirations in a uniquely indigenous way.  hiwus, known as Calvin Craigan to many of us, is a shíshálh elder, oral knowledge keeper, a hereditary chief of the shíshálh Nation and the youngest indigenous chief ever elected in Canada.

hiwus will tell us the story of the shíshálh people in four storytelling sessions in the shíshálh Nation Longhouse.   “In the Beginning” will explain the history of the shíshálh people before contact with Europeans.  It will include the history of hiwus’ family, his family lineage, the history of the shíshálh people, culture, language, and way of successfully governing and sustaining themselves.

 “Interference and Interruption” will describe how, over many decades, settler culture and ways of governing interrupted and interfered with the shíshálh people in very damaging ways. “Struggle for Independence” will describe the efforts of the shíshálh people for independence leading to becoming the first indigenous nation in Canada to achieve self governance.  “Vision for the Future” will describe the aspirations of the shíshálh people to live and work together with the settler community in ways that will benefit everyone.

Before the first session, please consider reviewing the introductory film made by Digi Majou aka Joah Lui, produced by Deer Crossing the Art Farm, with funding from Canada Council of the Arts and BC Arts Council. https://vimeo.com/554919689

Sunshine Coast ElderCollege wishes to thank the shíshálh Nation for inviting the community to their Longhouse to listen and learn.

Presenter: hiwus (Calvin Craigan)

Dates and Times:

Saturday and Sunday August 24 / 25, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm each day, and;

Saturday and Sunday September 7 / 8, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm  each day.


shíshálh First Nation Longhouse, Note that the Longhouse will be open on three sides to the outdoors, seating is hard, and you may wish to bring a cushion.

Free to Everyone – All Ages Welcome, but you must register due to limited space

Any donations you care to make will be gratefully accepted as you enter the Longhouse.

We acknowledge with Gratitude the support provided by the Sechelt (ch’atlich) Rotary Club