Timber Processing on the Sunshine Coast


Presenter:  Al Clyde

Venues: Eric Cardinal Hall, plus field trips

Course is Full

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The forest industry plays a major economic role on the Sunshine Coast, but it extends far beyond harvesting, reforestation and pulp manufacturing. All along West Howe Sound facilities exist to process timber harvested all over coastal B.C. and Alaska. Many people will be familiar with the log booms and barges passing in front of our community but where are they going and why?

This course will be an overview of log processing, prior to end-product manufacturing. Follow the path from standing timber into hundreds of end-use streams, including guitar sound boards, fine window and door frames, Japanese ceremonial boxes, telephone poles and two-by-fours. For anyone interested in forestry (from any point of view) this course will inform you about the where, how and why of timber end-use.

For the uninitiated, log scaling has nothing to do with climbing or debarking trees. It is akin to being a home appraiser or marine surveyor but for timber. It involves determining Quality and Quantity as well as many other interesting aspects of information gathering. We will meet the many women and men who practice this provincially licensed, skilled trade on the Sunshine Coast.

Presenter:  Al Clyde

Dates: Fri. April 25, May  2, 9, 16

Times: 10am to 12noon

Venues:  Eric Cardinal Hall, plus field trips.