Based on the Willow Workshop series, this course will help guide you with insight into how to begin and proceed with managing some of the most sensitive and personal decisions surrounding life and death strategies. The first session will deal with planning priorities, then move on to core values, hopes and goals. Debra will help lead you through your health and personal care priorities, including how to stop procrastinating with ‘End of Life’ planning and, finally, give you access to and understanding of “The Sunshine Coast Green Sleeve Advance Care Plan”. This course is not to be missed. Knowing what is available and how to attain goals will strengthen and empower your decision making.
Presenters: Carol-Ann Courneya & Debra White
Dates: Tues. Oct. 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19
Times: 1pm to 3pm (note 5 sessions)
Venue: The Hall, St. Hilda’s Church, Sechelt